June 16, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network

GayWebSource.com – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Thomas Roth – Community Marketing & Insights

My Info


Thomas Roth – Community Marketing & Insights

Location (City, State)

San Francisco CA

I am a:

Gay Publisher / Editor / Media Outlet

My Bio:

Connecting our clients to the LGBT community since 1992.
The facts are plain: gay men and lesbians travel more, own more homes and cars, spend more on electronics, and have the largest amount of disposable income of any niche market. Undaunted by events in the news, gay and lesbian consumers make up 5% to 10% of the consumer market. Critically, their dollars go to products, services and destinations that recognize their unique buying preferences and offer them differentiated value.

Community Marketing & Insights has been helping industry leaders master the subtleties of this market since 1992. Whether your organization is just learning about the market or is updating its strategy, Community Marketing can accelerate your plans, reduce your risks and deliver measurable results.

Because LGBTs comprise a “slice” of the world’s population, you’ll find markets for singles, couples and families in every ethnicity, age and gender. And you’ll find a world of diverse interests, everything from rodeo to golf to snowboarding, from outdoor adventure to mega-parties to theatre. And budget to ultra-deluxe. CMI’s proven, powerful portfolio of services help identify, quantify and deliver your targeted markets.

Community Marketing & Insights has earned its position as the global leader in gay and lesbian marketing. Through the company’s tireless efforts since 1992, “doors have opened” around the world for gay and lesbian consumers. We have helped grow LGBT market recognition through research, media relations and education; and have brought marketing opportunities to the world’s leading businesses and organizations.

Let us guide you through the steps of success, and help you achieve your goals efficiently and cost-effectively.

The CMI team has, collectively, over 60 years of dedicated gay/lesbian specialty and market research experience.

How To Contact Us: (Business email)


Keywords - Add up to 10 seperated by a comma for Searching

research, demographics, survey, study, insights

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