May 5, 2024

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Kavana Feels Guilty Today After Drunken Outburst

<p>After his eruption last night, 90's heartthrob Kavana, feels guilty today for lashing out at Keith Chegwin.</p> <p> </p><p><img src="" width="461" height="259" alt="" title=""/></p> <p>Yesterday, celebs in Big Brother house saw <a href="">Kavana brand Keith Chegwin an enemy and accused the former children's TV presenter of only ever sitting on the fence</a>. Speaking to his housemates, Kavana admitted that was the vodka talking and that he erupted like a volcano, he also asks the group of they think Keith will forgive him.</p><p></p><p>Keith goes to the Diary Room and says that alcohol seems to do funny things to Kavana and that he is hypersensitive. Keith also says that his level of cleaning is his way of coping and wells up, saying that he misses his wife.</p><p></p><p>Kavana later invites Keith to the bathroom for a bit of privacy and ‘profusely apologises’ to him. Kavana does say that he loves Keith but he does have a few digs at him but he understands there is no malice in it. Keith says that sometimes when people say things to Kavana like ‘come to bed’ they are trying to look after him. Kavana ends the conversation by saying: ‘I hope you know in your heart and your brain, that that’s not the real me.’</p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p>

After his eruption last night, 90's heartthrob Kavana, feels guilty today for lashing out at Keith Chegwin.

Yesterday, celebs in Big Brother house saw Kavana brand Keith Chegwin an enemy and accused the former children's TV presenter of only ever sitting on the fence. Speaking to his housemates, Kavana admitted that was the vodka talking and that he erupted like a volcano, he also asks the group of they think Keith will forgive him.

Keith goes to the Diary Room and says that alcohol seems to do funny things to Kavana and that he is hypersensitive. Keith also says that his level of cleaning is his way of coping and wells up, saying that he misses his wife.

Kavana later invites Keith to the bathroom for a bit of privacy and ‘profusely apologises’ to him. Kavana does say that he loves Keith but he does have a few digs at him but he understands there is no malice in it. Keith says that sometimes when people say things to Kavana like ‘come to bed’ they are trying to look after him. Kavana ends the conversation by saying: ‘I hope you know in your heart and your brain, that that’s not the real me.’

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