Music: How To Post Your Music Videos

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How To Post A Music Video

Here is a good example of a video posted that you can get ideas from:

Here Is How To Post!

If you have music on youtube or other like network you can post a music video blog.  We pick the music videos we feature on the LGBT Music main page from the Music Video Blogs that are posted.  You can post as many videos as you want but please do not post the same one twice.  You can edit previos post publish dates to make it current again. When you post your music video you need to write a story with your videos.  You can post what ever you want but some ideas could be:  How you made the video, where it took place, who helped you, was it hard, how much fun was it, etc etc.  Just tell us a little store about your video.  When you post your video you will be using the same posting page that is used for posting everything else on the site.. so it’s important that you check off the music video blog category so we know what your sending us.  You will find the list in the right column of the posting page.  Please look at the other video blogs already posted to see how they are done.  We want all post to have the same format

Your post should look like this:

LGBT Music Video: Put The Title of Your Video Here

( Type your blog story about the video.  Your story needs to be at lease a 2 paragraphs long. Make it read like some thing you would find in a magazine.  Click on the “Text” tab and add the url (web addrees) of your youtube video.  For youtube you only need to put the url, as our site is built to auto generate the video.  You will not see the video until we publish the post. But you should see a box outlining where it will be.

(Add Your link or Embed Code or your code from another network)

You can add more story under your video if you want.  After your video we suggest adding a link to your profile page because it will not show up with the video.  We only give a link to all your post on our site.  Do not put any external links in your post.  Link to your profile as you have links there that are permitted.

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2 thoughts on “Music: How To Post Your Music Videos”

    1. Doug, new members can not post until your account has been approved by an editor. You got the error because you did not have permission to post yet. I just approve you, however you will need to upload a photo or logo to your profile before you can post content.

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