YouTube Goes Gay with #ProudToLove Spotlight Page

( – Gay Media & Press Network) – Posted by

Screen shot 2013 06 27 at 12.43.41 PM 300x200 YouTube Goes Gay with #ProudToLove Spotlight Page

“Show your pride. Share your love. #ProudToLove”, via YouTube

As I first mentioned Sunday night in my post about Google’s gay pride search bar, YouTube is celebrating gay pride month Thursday in a big way. Its spotlight page is all gay content, featuring coming out stories, It Gets Better videos, and featured LGBT YouTube contributors.

The video at the top of the page is the one that’ll get you, though. YouTube explains:

At YouTube, we believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved. We strive to make YouTube a place where all communities can feel proud to express themselves and connect through video. That’s why we’re proud to stand with the LGBT community and support equal rights and marriage equality for all.


I dare you not to smile while you watch this.


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