Disciples of Christ Vote to Embrace Gay Members, Leaders

(GayWebSource.com – Gay Media & Press Network) – Posted by

The Disciples of Christ Christian Church now, officially, welcomes gay and transgendered members and leaders into its church. The general assembly (including a representative from Dallas’ Midway Hills Christian Church) passed resolution at its annual meeting last week in Orlando.

From the resolution:

“The General Assembly calls upon the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to affirm the faith, baptism and spiritual gifts of all Christians regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and that neither is grounds for exclusion from fellowship or service within the church, but we celebrate that all are part of God’s good creation.”

However, in an official letter, posted on the church’s website Friday, Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins explained that the resolution is not a ‘theological mandate.”

“It is not a policy change. The congregation where you worship and serve will not be requested to establish (or change) a policy on gay or lesbian persons in the life of the Church. The region where your congregation is affiliated is not required to change its policies on ordination. Your pastor is not required to bless same-gender marriages,” said Watkins.

She continued:

“It points out that within the broad membership of Disciples, among the many congregations in covenant with each other, there have always been gay and straight, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender persons who participate fully in the life and leadership of the church. It urges us to treat each other with gospel hospitality as we seek to understand each
other better.”

Expect to see that acceptance happening here in Dallas. Midway Hills Christian Church identifies itself as “an open and affirming congregation.” The front page of its website includes a photo of members of the congregation participating in last years’ gay pride parade.

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