Russia Gov’t: Gays Adopt Kids so They Can Rape Them

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Screen shot 2013 09 22 at 9.49.12 PM 300x168 Russia Govt: Gays Adopt Kids so They Can Rape ThemWait, didn’t the International Olympics Committee say that gays have nothing to worry about during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia? We’ve been told that Olympians and tourists will be safe.

Do you think you’d be safe to visit? Probably not after this….

According to an anti-gay propaganda video (below) from the Russian government says gays adopt kids so they can rape them. The video quotes a study from University of Texas religious researcher Mark Regnerus. However, that specific study has been widely debunked as “total B.S.”

That didn’t stop this video from circulating, though. If the translations are correct, the video claims, “They [gays] need children to satisfy their sexual desire.” It also asks, “Do you want our world to become so civilised that we stop breeding?”


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