NEWS: Three Men Accused Of Killing Gay Man Admit Manslaughter

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Three men who attacked and killed a County Armagh man in an alleged homophobic attack have admitted to manslaughter.

by Newsdesk | 18th September 2013

The men, all in their 20s, were due to go on trial for the murder of Andrew Lorimer, 43, at Craigavon Crown Court yesterday however the senior defence lawyer asked for the charge to be read out again. It was then that the three said they were “not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.”

Mr. Lorimer was found battered and bloodied by a burglar at his home two days after the attack. It has been alleged that the attackers had beaten and kicked Mr Lorimer. Use of a hammer was also reported.

The evidence hints that Mr. Lorimer would have remained alive for hours after the attack.

After the guilty pleads Christopher Wright, 22, from Mount Zion House, James Jordan (29) from Princes Street and Richard Chester, 23, of no fixed abode, were remanded back into custody.

Mr Justice Weir postponed passing sentence until November.

The Belfast Telegraphy reports that

‘Prosecution QC Terence Mooney told Mr Justice Weir that having reviewed the evidence and consulted with the director of the PPS, he had been instructed to accept the pleas to the lesser offence.’

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